Does Quotes window purge alerts that didn't reach after market's close?
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 3/6/2012 3:11 PM
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I would like to use Wealth-lab in a fully automated mode during the week.

I have a strategy which runs every day through the Strategy monitor tool. As the strategy is a classical dipbuyer strategy, I have a lot of alerts every day which are valid only for the day. Because of a limit of my broker, I cannot send directly all of them. To bypass this limit, I need to send only the most probable alerts. To do that, I would like to use the quote monitor tool to detect it.

Can you tell me if the quote monitor can purge automatically alerts after the market hours if the trigger is not reach during the day ? I see nothing in the help file about this. If the answer is no, how can I do that (maybe if an xml file exists somewhere ?)

Thank in advance for your help
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Quotes is an EOD tool and it has no memory. When you're done for the day, just close it. The next Quotes window you open will start fresh.

An "automatic purge" would require a way to close the open instance(s) of Quotes tools each day. There isn't any out-of-the-box support for that.
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Thank you for your reply.

Is it possible to add a new feature for the next release of WLD to have a quote monitor tool with the possibility to :
- scan orders/quotes only during the market hours (means to be compatible with Market Manager tool)
- purge scan orders/quotes after the market hours and/or purge scan orders/quotes after each new run of the same strategy launch in the Strategy monitor

I will be a good new feature.
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Do you think that you will take into account in a next release the possibility to connect Quote Tool and Market manager to purge automatically scan when the market is closed ?

This is interesting because when you trade on differents GMT, this is interesting to not overload CPU by a lot of scans.
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No. As said Cone, When you're done for the day, just close it. If you need automation, look towards scripting with AutoIT or similar tool.

Just FYI, at the moment Wealth-Lab Pro still does not include our Market Manager tool out of the box. Let alone connecting it someplace. Only Developer installations have it included by default. (Sometimes this confusion creates odd support cases for WLP users: post #19).
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