Daily gap up in intraday scale
Author: sarokhatch
Creation Date: 7/5/2013 1:06 PM
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I am using WLP and I am very new. I like to use the gap up indicator to purchase stocks when stock opens higher than previous day's high. My scale however is set to 1 minute since I do day trading. It seems the gap up is directly related to scale. Any way to get around this?
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You might want to click "Download..." from WLP's "Open Strategy" dialog to obtain all downloadable strategies (with "Published Date" unchecked to ignore their upload) date. Then, browse strategies under the "Gaps" folder in WLP and there you'll find a strategy called "Significant gap buyer (intraday version)". This one does exactly what you're after.

What it does is call SetScaleDaily/RestoreScale to obtain a Daily DataSeries (make sure you've seen the QuickRef tool and the WealthScript Guide, both under the Help menu) to use that series to detect daily gaps on intraday scale.
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