Customizing the way Strategy Monitor displays strategies
Author: Panache
Creation Date: 10/23/2012 7:59 AM
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When I open the Workspace I have saved to display the strategies I use every day, I would like to change two things:

1. Have each strategy open directly to the Alerts tab and
2. Change the way the columns in the Alerts tab are displayed, ie. hide certain columns and make the Signal Name column wider (and ideally reorder the columns).

I recall having seen something suggesting that this is possible, but I can't remember where I saw it. (I don't see a search function for the forums anymore.)

Assuming this is possible, is there something you can point me to which will help me get started?
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It's not possible for a user to change neither #1 nor #2.
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Thanks. I'd like to make this a suggestion for improving the program. Do I need to put this in a new thread, or can you just make note of it?
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Sorry, I don't think it will be considered. The 6.5 queue is already filled up with other needs.
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