Counting number of times RSI is under 40
Author: xjlit
Creation Date: 6/30/2013 1:33 PM
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I am new to Wealth Lab. I am more of a Perl scripter, not so much a programmer.

I am attempting to count the number of times that the 2 day rsi is under 40 (or some given number). Below is what I have come up with using examples from the Programming Guide and the Wiki. I don't seem to be getting a count. Could someone point me in the right direction so that I an understand what I need to do here?


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Welcome to the forums John. I think you're looking for something like this:

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Wow, thanks Eugene. I wasn't even close. That's very nice.

I have been looking through your code to try and get an understanding of how the C# programming code works. I have some questions below. If you have time could you comment?

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//I understand the 2 and 40, but not the 2, 30 1 and 10,90,10. To what do these refer?
They are the default parameter values.

//I've seen double in the docs but not sure how/when to use it
It declares a double-precision floating point variable. Standard C#.

//Is thee a list of the DataSeries parameters somewhere?
Take advantage of the intellisense when typing WealthScript functions and indicators, however, each indicator's documentation is linked from the Technical Indicators dialog (Ctrl + F11). Intellisense is automatic, but if it stops showing (loss of focus, for example) you can get it back by striking Ctrl+Space.

//I understand the formula except for the * 3
Help > WealthScript Programming Guide: Indicators > Stability of Indicators
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Thanks Cone. That is very helpful.
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