Compressing imported ASCII data
Author: jkkifs
Creation Date: 5/4/2015 7:24 AM
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hi, I imported (one minute format OHLC) symbol wise data in wealth lab from data manager.

But when we open any symbol chart from dataset ...... values not match as given ASCII file.

Input data time - 9.15 am to 3.29 pm.( one minute format)

Example. Day starts at 9.15 AM and ends 3.29 PM and imported data is in that range only, but when we converts data range from 1 minute to 5 minute format or others, all OHLC values changes automatically & not as per given range.

so can you please guide exact way for chart time setting. example.... the last 5 min candle for the day has to be 3.25 PM & 3.29 pm data has taken for its close price. where in wealth lab it FORMS last candle at 3.29 pm. and so next day data automatically changed. where EOD price has to be closing data and similarly closed day.

attached excel file..... and problem is highlighted in colours

please help me with right way to convert
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Hi and welcome to the forums.

With accordance to its design, Wealth-Lab assumes that bars are timestamped at the end of bar whereas your ASCII data is timestamped as start of bar. The last 5-minute bar should be 3:30 PM, not 3:25 PM.
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thanks for reply,

PFA data file, let me know how to get charts as imported data as actually all values are changed directly. if u can guide via remote let me know or any other way to contact for supports.
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This is by design. You can read more about it here:

9:30 opening bar
Problem with minute bar aggregation

A possible workaround is to modify your ASCII data by adding 1 minute to each bar as suggested here:

Compressing intraday data behavior question
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