Compilation errors on optimization setup
Author: flroots
Creation Date: 6/26/2014 9:10 PM
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I'm trying to setup to run an optimization, but can't get the OC modified code to compile. I've attempted to follow the steps in the User Manual under Optimization Control. I first open the optimization window and set it up with a single parameter called Parameter 1. It adds the following code to the top of my program:
Please log in to see this code.

However, when I attempt to compile I get the following error messages:
errorCS0116 @ (2,3): A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods
errorCS0116 @ (4,10): Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct

where lines 2 and 4 refer to StrategyParameter and public MyStrategy(), respectively. Also I'm not sure how to modify my code. My first attempt is to create the following 2 lines:
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Any hints on how to proceed would be appreciated.
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The Optimizer won't be adding that code to the top of your strategy, resulting in these compiler errors. It would have done it in the proper places w/o producing any error messages. Show us how the complete code looked before your attempt to insert the parameter, and we'll help modify it correctly.
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Here is the complete code. My primary symbol is .SPX.

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As an aside, when the code is run on symbol .SPX, the Trades tab shows that symbol BND is entered and exited on the same day (4/11/2007) which as near as I can tell is not the case?
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I'm taking my words back. Actually, the Optimizer has a problem like you described when a Strategy class was not defined as public. You modified some old Strategy out of a dozen publicly available or built-in strategies that had this peculiarity.

To fix, simply change this:
Please log in to see this code.

This way:
Please log in to see this code.
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Thanks Eugene. That fixed it.
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I've now run into a problem. I'm using 3 optimization parameters. The code segment introduced appears as follows in which you can see the commented out variables as they existed prior to optimization:
Please log in to see this code.

Now it runs fine when optimizing, but generates an error when run without optimization.
Runtime error: bar number must be 3 or greater

I would have thought that it should continue to work when run without optimization perhaps using the default values which worked fine before running optimization?
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Now it runs fine when optimizing, but generates an error when run without optimization.

To reproduce, tell us the following: the symbols in the DataSet, bar scale, loaded data range, data provider, position sizing used.
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Thanks Eugene. I've made numerous changes and the results are intermittent. Sometimes it runs and sometimes it generates the runtime error. Here is the info you requested:
primary symbol .SPX
stksym VTI
bndsym BND
executed bar scale: 20 - 1820
loaded data range: 4/1/2007-6/24/2014
data provider: not sure; just created a data set and added the above symbols
position sizing: Portfolio Simulation Mode / 9.95% equity
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It's the default value.

Be careful: selecting "Save Parameters" in the Strategy Parameters box will override the default value in the Editor with the saved setting for that strategy. (To set a new default parameter value, change a slider and Save.)
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Thanks. I found a nasty bug in which I was using startbar instead of bar in the call to SellAtClose which caused the runtime error. It was intermittent since it only occurred when I had a Buy bond/Sell stock signal.
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