Compilation error: CS0104 (ambiguous reference)
Author: sedelstein
Creation Date: 1/9/2013 7:09 PM
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I recently upgraded Community Components and Wealthlab.Visualizers.MS123

I used to be able to call and load strategies from within strategies

Please log in to see this code.

I now get errors at the first line that says CS0104 'Utility' is an ambiguous reference between Community Components and WLVisualizers MS123

Can you help me resolve this? Thanks

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Solution: Compiler Error CS0104 in MSDN.

P.S. Additionally, you might want to see my messages in this thread from 6/20/2012 5:27 AM and 12/8/2012 12:18 PM:

Access Wealth-Lab Score from Strategy?
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I've tried replacing the first line with
Please log in to see this code.

as well as

Please log in to see this code.

but my syntax must be incorrect as neither compiles.
My C# skills are rusty and limited. Would you be able to give me the right syntax please?

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It's not the Community.Components.Utility. The one you're trying to reference belongs to the MS123 Performance Visualizers library. You will find the namespace by opening Object Browser in Visual Studio.
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I'm not using visual studio just the compiler within WL

Is it possible to give me a code snippet?

Thanks again for the help
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The target namespace for the Utility class is WealthLab.Visualizers.MS123.
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I've replaced the line with

Please log in to see this code.

I still get lots of compilation errors about constructors and methods that are no longer defined as well as errors from PerformanceEngine.

I understand that there is a breaking change but is there a simple code snippet you could provide to get me through this?

Greatly appreciate the help
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