Combination strategy: number of Alerts different than on Trades tab
Author: giorgos
Creation Date: 6/20/2013 11:18 PM
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I am running a combination strategy and the quantity of stocks under the Alerts tab is different and seems erroneous than the quantity that is shown in the Trades list.
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Before anything else, which WLP version are you running? Combination strategies are broken in 6.5.19 as announced on the forum. Have you noticed this sticky post?

ATTENTION! Combination Strategies broken in 6.5.19

If it's 6.4, then situation is different. Since a good question contains half the answer, let's make your question (or was that assertion?) good enough by adding at least some details to it. What does "seems erroneous" mean exactly? Why would one compare the number of Alerts (in which stock?) with the quantity (of what stock?) in the Trades list? At what point? How can this be reproduced? Give us an exact procedure.
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I am running 6.4. Example; in the Trades tab the quantities for trades QQQ, XLE, SPY and PID are 507, 393, 570 and 287 respectively but in the Alerts tab they are 63, 31, 70 and 287 with only PFN quantity being the same. After further inspection the cause seems to be as a result of trades not being made due to insufficient capital but shouldn’t these be the same regardless? Some strategies need to have less than 100% of capital reinvested so that this insufficient capital for trades error does not appear some as low as 92%. Also on the combo strategy one needs to make sure that no more than 100% of capital is allocated.
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Correct me if I'm wrong. You're comparing an exit alert's size in QQQ which is different from the figure on the Trades tab. Your strategies use very high position sizing figures (up to 100%).

1. Are you sure you're comparing the same strategy/symbol pair? Could be different strategy holding the same symbol (hence the size difference).
2. If you run the individual strategy normally (i.e. outside the Combination strategy), are the sizes equal? Does the position sizing make a difference?

Ideally, you would provide me with a walkthrough that includes: strategies included in Combination (downloadable/canned are welcome), position sizing, allocation, other settings, what's expected and what's wrong in your opinion.
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