Code of DataSeries class
Author: Binnie
Creation Date: 1/21/2011 11:20 AM
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I am starting now to use Wealth-Lab. I read the Wealth-Lab Open Source Site, but I didn´t find the code of DataSeries class. Is there anywhere that I can find those codes?
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Nowhere. The DataSeries class is a part of Wealth-Lab that is closed source.

But since you're just starting out, chances are the internals of the DataSeries class aren't exactly what you need. Why do you think it's needed? What's your task?
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Thanks for answering my question.

It´s possible to use the DataSeries class in the Visual Studio?
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Depends on what do you mean by saying "use the DataSeries class in Visual Studio".

If you simply want to debug or develop your Wealth-Lab trading strategies in Visual Studio, utilizing the DataSeries class as well as others, then the answer is yes.

But if it's about using Wealth-Lab's libraries as "donors" for any 3rd party projects, when some calculations/tasks are "outsourced" to Wealth-Lab for the benefit of the calling application, then this sort of usage is definitely not supported by us.
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