Can I create an order that is sent after a trigger is hit and then a countdown timer
Creation Date: 1/25/2014 12:05 AM
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I am a trader but not a computer programer. I want to learn to do some basic programs. One of the things i would like to do is:

Send in an order after:
- a trigger is hit.
- a timer reaches a certain amount of time (ex. 2 minutes)


1. if BBY (bestbuy) price touches $23.50
2. Timer starts
3. when timer hits 2 minutes
4. order will be sent that sells short 100 shares of BBY at market.

Is this possible to do ?


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Certainly it's possible. However, it requires adding some logic to your WealthScript Strategy. Since it's a popular request, we've got a tutorial on programming this kind of condition:

WealthScript Techniques | Setups, Triggers, Delays, and Timeouts
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