Calculating Fidelity fundamentals such as Forward P/E , Return on Sales, PEG
Author: bompus
Creation Date: 2/1/2011 1:19 PM
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I've been hammering the script hard and cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. I am new to WealthScript, so if it is simple, understand I am a newbie with it :)

I am trying to calculate Forward P/E this way:
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However, this yields me a "Forward P/E" on GOOG (as of today's date) of: 74.1459 , which does not match up to anything I can find

Return on Sales attempt:
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Again, seems not accurate compared to data on Yahoo/

PEG attempt:
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It seems like no matter what symbol I try it against, EarningsGrowthRateYr is always "0". If I try to use the quarterly flag with GrowthRateSeries, it gives me a result, but with the yearly flag, I am getting "0", which makes it difficult to calculate PEG since this is needed.

Hope you guys can help! Thanks a ton.
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Also, run the example in the QuickRef (F12) for FundamentalDataItems, and replace "assets" with "estimated earnings". Look at the debug log to see the info that's available.
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I'm still having a very difficult time calculating a proper PEG ratio that comes anywhere close to the PEG numbers I see on financial sites.

Tried IBM and I get:

0.93 and 2.61 depending on how I try to calculate it.

Tried the following to get an accurate PEG and can't seem to find it:

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Any ideas?
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Please post the WealthScript code you used for your calculations.
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I've tried almost every combination of different P/E ratios and EPS Growth Ratios and never can come up with a reliable PEG ratio (compared to Yahoo/Zacks/ .. I think some of them use a 5 year projected EPS growth rate, but even with that, my values are way off... I'm not the greatest at formula's or math, so I appreciate the help.

Thanks Cone!
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After updating price and fundamental data, for IBM I get P/E = 13.82, current PEG = 2.87, and optimistic PEG = 2.05. If it's wrong, then the data must be wrong. Check the input fundamental data using the FundamentalDataItems technique (see my first post).

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