COM Support / Run several strategies on DataSet
Author: Swissi
Creation Date: 8/31/2012 3:58 PM
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In WL 4 I used the "COM" functionality very actively to automate certain tasks. What is the best way to automate tasks in WL 6 (f.ex. run several scripts for all symbols in a Watchlist).
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First, you don't need no COM in the .NET application to automate tasks - and it won't help.

To run several Strategies for all symbols in a DataSet, you can use the Strategy Monitor or the Strategy Ranking tool (Tools menu). That won't help Looping through DataSet and saving chart image though, if you mean it. If you can clarify on what you're after, maybe we could help.
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I will just describe one of my application of WL-Charts (I am doing that already with WealthLab Developer 3 & 4 for my asset class monitoring).

I use several currency models to track (and trade) the FX markets. These models are f.ex. PPP-models, carry-models, interest rate-differential models for about 80 different cross rates. For the tracking of all my analytical tools and models, I mainly use Excel, where I can link the results from different applications (Bloomberg, econometric models, WL models) and can have a good overview of all the signals.

Now, I would like to import the WL-charts into Excel, to go over many charts very quickly. To do that, I would like to create (and save the chartimages) on my hard-disk so that I can pull out very easily those which could be promising (based on the signals). If I have to create all these charts manually, it is not managable on a daily basis!

I am not a strict system trader - I like to see the charts, the signals and some indictors on it as well.

I would be very happy if you can show me a solution.
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No solution known to me, sorry. We discussed this before in Looping through DataSet and saving chart image.
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