C++ ---> C#
Author: torpedo333
Creation Date: 7/26/2011 12:05 PM
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I want to learn C# so I can write my own trading programs for Wealth Lab. I took a C class and am now taking C++ Level 1. I will then take C++ Level 2, and Level 3. And then C#.

Is this the correct progression to learn C#?

Would appreciate people's thoughts on this. Thanks.
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IMHO, C++ programming knowledge isn't required at all to learn C# programming.
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Ok thanks. Should I just go right into C#, or is there something else I should take beforehand?

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If you're already familiar with OO programming, C# will be a snap for you. Dive right in.
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Also, let me recommend this post by a professional (DrKoch) from 12/14/2007 1:02 AM (scroll approximately to the middle) when asked about minimal knowledge requirements to create medium complexity WealthScript strategies in WL5/6:

Wealth-Lab 5.0: first Impressions
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Thanks Eugene and Cone.
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