By Symbol tab: what are columns on the right?
Author: ronc
Creation Date: 11/26/2013 4:58 PM
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I am observing what seems to be strange behavior in the Symbol tab. I run a backtest in Raw Profit mode, on a folder of symbols, using Preferred Values for each symbol. I click the By Symbol tab. I noticed that in this view, recently, some (not all) of my backtests populate this view slowly and scroll slowly. Today I noticed that there are many (extraneous?) columns to the right of the core data, apparently causing the slowdown. After "Avg Bars Held" there are columns labeled: Lowest(Close,1), HIghest(Close, 2), Lowest(Close,3), Highest(Close,4), Lowest(Close,5), Highest(Close,5)... etc. These go on for quite a large extent. What are these data and how do I eliminate them?
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What you're seeing there is documented in the User Guide, Preferences > Performance Visualizers > By Symbol. Some slowdown is expected when Strategy creates numerous DataSeries: ListView is not the fastest component when it comes to redrawing a large amount of columns etc. You can not eliminate these DataSeries from the By Symbol visualizer.
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