Average % Profit number looks odd
Author: Byhiselo
Creation Date: 3/21/2015 8:50 AM
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Running WLP6.8 with a strategy on AAPL over 15 years, $1000 yields $123,993.77 in profits.
The performance shows 9 trades with average profit of $13,777.09 or 1,382.43%.
The $13,777.09 I can believe, however, the average %-profit per trade should read 13.8243%.
It appears that the percent-profit-per-trade calculated by WLP6.8 is off by a factor of 100.
This also applies to the percentages shown under winning and losing trades.
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Sorry, I goofed
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Out of curiosity, what was it? Did it have to do with misconfigured regional settings on your PC?
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