Am I getting the wrong quantities?
Author: kyokushin
Creation Date: 8/24/2014 6:25 AM
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In my opinion my strategy is producing the wrong quantities for stock to buy. Once in a while I'm getting a quantity of 0, sometimes 1 or very few which does not fit to my position sizing settings. I appreciate your help finding the problem.

My settings are:
1. applied parameters
2. DataSet (symbols), bar scale, data provider
EOD data NASDAQ 100 of 2014 from Yahoo
3. Data loading range
23.9.13 to 30.12.2035
4. Position sizing settings
Avg down w pct equity limit: 4% equity, 10% max., MF 2 to 1
5. Wealth-Lab Preferences: Commissions, Backtest Settings, Slippage & Round Lots
Commisions: IB bundled default
Backtest settings: activated interest rate on margin loan 1.57%, return rate 0%, rest unmarked
Activated slippage 0.1%, no limit orders, no round lots
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Referring thread: Understanding Margin Factor.

1. Why do you think it's a problem? What is the usual size when your system averages down?
2. What is your starting requity value?
3. Is this the problem of only a single strategy?

rest unmarked

Are you sure about that? Since we had a somewhat related pos.sizing question earlier today, I thought I'd be on the safe side and I ask you because this option can affect position sizing:

FAQ | Position Sizing, Extensions, Miscellaneous > I'm using 100% Equity position sizing and strategy doesn't seem to use all capital and/or there are trades not included due to insufficient capital.
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Shouldn't the setting "Maximum % of Equity for all positions" in the PosSizer tab do the same as "Reduce quantity based on Volume" in the preferences?
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I can imagine getting a small alert size after "Max % Equity...". Give it a thought: after averaging down there may be as much equity left as to buy 1 share or even a fractional share. Perhaps this is the answer.

"Limit quantity based on Voume" does a different thing, not allowing to take an excessive position in an illiquid stock - just like in real life.
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