AddFutureBars() or Edit Bar while Streaming
Author: bobydesi123
Creation Date: 8/28/2013 9:47 AM
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Does WL 6.5... have a function similar to Future Bar() of the old wl4?
If no, are there any plans to have it in 'near' future releases of WL?

Is it possible to change/edit value of the Bar (close, open etc.) , say of the last bar, of 'clicked' symbol in strategy while streaming? Just like i can edit bar data manually using tool menu?
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1 - No, and no plans.

Can be imitated by shifting the OHLC back (code example) or using SaveToFile/LoadFromFile (unlike the 1st approach, here you can modify dates and actually add bars - the tricky part is creating a DataSet: see FAQ for a how-to > Is it possible to create a DataSet from bars generated using SaveToFile (*.WL)?).

2 - Bar data editing is not available for Streaming charts in principle.
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Thank you.
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