Account Information available to strategy / PortfolioSynch
Author: sedelstein
Creation Date: 1/7/2015 5:32 PM
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WL sees my accounts when I am logged in
Is there a way for a strategy to access the holdings in an account?

There are times when a strategy will sell all shares of symbol
The number of shares may not be equal to the number of shares in my actual account.
I am now using WL in autotrade mode and I need to ensure the correct number of shares are being sold.

In other developments, I have asked Fidelity if it is possible to use the Directed Trading feature that is available in Active Trader Pro within WL. Specifically, I want to be able to execute at the VWAP as I've been unhappy with the executions at market open. there is just way too much slippage.
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Just read up on portfolio synch which should do the trick but it doesnt seem to take
I have two account I am trading in. I am logged in to Fidelity
disable port synch is not checked
The strategy is still looking to sell shares I don't own in one of the accounts but do own in another.
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The strategy is still looking to sell shares I don't own in one of the accounts but do own in another.

If portfolio synch doesn't seem to do what you expect, you may be doing something wrong. Question is, what exactly. Possibly the Strategy is assigned to the other account by you: Automating multiple accounts

Is there a way for a strategy to access the holdings in an account?

Accessing the balance of a live Fidelity account is not possible. Not suggesting this as a workaround by any means, just placing this for other community members who might stumble on this thread:

Know account name in a script
Access to Fidelity Account Data
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sedelstein wrote:

Thanks Eugene

I guess I will call Fidelity. the Portfolio Synch doesn't seem to work properly for me.

What's happening (or what may happen) is that I am trying to fully automate a strategy
The shares I actually own and the share size suggested by an alert do not match up and I want to ensure all the shares are sold.

My understanding is the portfolio synch feature should help

I see in the trading preferences that there is a box to make Exit Orders match the full position currently held but that it comes with warnings.
I'm also not sure if that can be set on an account by account basis.

My attempt above was to be able to do it via code where I might have more control over the process

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comes with warnings

1. Which exactly?

2. How is your workflow set up (to understand/reproduce)?
3. Also I'd appreciate answers to question raised in post #3.
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1, Warning: enabling the option above may result in your actual Positions becoming out of synch with your backtest simulated Positions
I might want this for some accounts but not for all. It didnt look account specific

2. Might be a little tricky but here goes. I first ran in realtime with 50k positions and then decided that it was a tad high and started running 25k positions. When it came time to sell, some of the positions were the 50k variety and some were the 25k variety. I had to hand edit the alerts before they were placed and executed. I want the full positions exited in this case.

3. I know how to associate a strategy with an account. This was not an issue.

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You haven't specifically mentioned it, but Preferences > Trading > Exit Orders... is the one that controls if all the shares of an instrument are exited. If this option is causing shares from multiple accounts to be sold, please let me know.

Note that this option won't change the Position size of the Alert itself. The synch takes place in the Orders logic when the Alert is Staged or Placed. So, you might see a 100 share Alert turn into 150 shares in the Orders tool, assuming the associated account had 150 shares.
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Thank you Cone. I don't believe it is doing it across multiple accounts. I was just wondering if you could set this preference on an account by account basis. I understand now that it won't appear until it hits the orders page. That's helpful to know and wasn't obvious to me how and where it occurred

Btw. I was thinking about posting this in a thread but since I have your attention perhaps I can ask here if it is worth posting. (Eugene, if it is a different thread and worthy of posting, politely let me know and I'll be happy to do so in whichever location you prefer)

I was going to call the thread "WealthLab Corp. How does it work?" and what I mean by that is it's my understanding that Fidelity (I'm a customer) licenses WealthLab for North America. They provide support (from an office in Merrimac, NH) and can talk to the "developers" who are apparently somewhere else. This forum is for users but from the discussions here, it seems (at least to me) that some of the posters (perhaps yourself and Eugene perhaps) might work for the company that licenses the technology to Fidelity especially as I read discussions about how something or other will be in the next release etc.. May I ask, how does it all work?

Thanks again

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preference on an account by account basis
No, it's global.

licenses the technology to Fidelity
That's backwards. Fidelity bought Wealth-Lab Inc. assets/technology in about June 2004. We, MS123, a third party (but made up largely from original Wealth-Lab, Inc. members) run this website, write Add-ons, provide support, etc., and sell Wealth-Lab Developer internationally under license by Fidelity.
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So Fidelity is responsible for further development and suggestions for the basic system should be made to them rather than here (but I suppose you have some influence. So if I wanted account info say to a strategy, Fidelity would be the guys and not over here as the add-on developers work with whatever the program makes available.

Appreciate the clarification.

MS123 provides the software internationally. I imagine that it is not with the broker and price feeds that Fidelity has as one of my questions for Fidelity is if I could trade international stocks (say London to start) via WealthLab
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