Access to Fidelity Account Data
Author: terencei
Creation Date: 10/29/2013 10:17 AM
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Are the Fidelity account data displayed under orders available programmatically within WLP?
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No. Broker Provider extensions (like Fidelity's built in broker provider) can "talk" to the Orders tool, though. The Orders tool stores its current data in Orders.xml file in user's AppData\Roaming directory which you can parse to extract what you want:

c:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\Orders.xml

Note, however, that parsing this XML file will be an unsupported D.I.Y. project.
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Hey Eugene

How about a "DIY" category in the forums so that we can have a place for all the unsupported hacks people have tried. Might be worthwhile as an incubator for eventual WL upgrades
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when logged in, I can see my account details, symbols and holdings in an account window.
Is this data available to a strategy?

Alternatively, I'd like to read from a file and generate alerts
Please log in to see this code.

I'm not sure what the available alert types are. I'm also curious about Extended Order Types and Route and what the available routes are
I am enabled for Directed Trading


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Hi Steve,

when logged in, I can see my account details, symbols and holdings in an account window.
Is this data available to a strategy?

No and not planned (by design).

How about a "DIY" category in the forums

We already need less categories, not more. For what you're proposing, it's either the WealthScript or Extensions forums.

I'm not sure what the available alert types are.

Please see QuickRef > Alert Object.

I'm also curious about Extended Order Types and Route and what the available routes are

Cone will correct me if I'm wrong but this does not appear to be documented (except for a mention in the User Guide > Orders > Manual Trade Ticket).
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