Ability to update strategies on an hourly basis
Author: aykuts
Creation Date: 2/26/2015 8:33 AM
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** Use case **
I am running certain strategies that are based on hourly bars.

These signals produce certain messages (signals if you like) by the end of each hour such as "buy at market now", or, "modify your limit order to 9.90" etc.

And, there are roughly 80+ strategies some of which are pairs, some are shorts, some are long strategies etc.

So, I would be great if I can find a way to automate the "hourly update process" in one way or another as currently, I am doing my best to refresh each of these strategies manually.

** my need ***

I understand that the strategy monitor feature of the tool might as well be used to update on a regular and automated fashion the strategies of interest.

My question is; is there any way to refresh the designated strategies on an hourly basis?

For the moment;
- I add the strategy onto the strategy monitoring list,
- click on data streaming button for that strategy,
- and expect that strategy to be refreshed every hour once my market data finishes the current hour and starts the new one.

- in many cases, the number of strategies I now need to update hourly is so much that wealthlab collapses in many cases while the hour ends and the new hour begins.

- There are certain strategies that are relatively slow i.e. not an hourly but maybe bi-hourly update is as well enough.


Simply put, what would be the best way to refresh 80+ strategies on an hourly basis? what would you recommend?

and, thanks of course for your interest and suggestions.

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Hi Aykut,

Provided that your static data provider is capable of delivering on demand data collection (doesn't apply to Metastock, ASCII for example), the proper way of updating data on any supported basis is by using the Strategy Monitor tool. A streaming data provider could be used for a smaller number of chart windows (as per "Choosing optimal trading tool: Strategy Monitor or Strategy window") but running 80 open chart windows would be a too resource and memory consuming task. That would probably push the limits.

- I add the strategy onto the strategy monitoring list,
- click on data streaming button for that strategy,

The SM does not have a Stream button. Are you confusing it with Streaming chart? See above.
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Note for Hourly bars
Wealth-Lab's Fidelity Provider builds hourly bars for intervals ending 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, ... 15:30, 16:00 (even though ATPro's hourly chart intervals end at 10:00, 11:00, etc.) Furthermore, WLP assumes the data uses this convention (1 hour after the market open) for synchronization with other intervals, whether or not the Provider uses these intervals.

Consequently, check the convention used by your provider and compare to how it looks in Wealth-Lab.
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