IQFeed by Aleksey

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Is there any way to pull the IQFeed news messages into my WLP code?


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Hi Jon,

Our IQFeed data provider does not pull news from IQFeed. To date, no demand existed as far as I can tell. How exactly do you plan to use the news - as a fundamental (news) provider to run the historical news through some Machine Learning or purely a streaming news ticker tool inside WLP?

Does IQFeed provide historical news per symbol and if so, how many items (years) back?

I believe that IQFeed should have a demo with source code that teaches how to do in your application (or WealthScript Strategy code)? Here are some reference manuals:
IQFeed news lookup via TCP/IP
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Thank you so much. I had not actually begun exploring the IQFeed core news service until recently, but it is fast and quite robust (includes Bezinga Pro and a few others). What fun to discover something you are already paying for is even better than you thought!

In terms of coverage, it looks like it goes back 6 months. You can put in date ranges but pretty sure it caps at 6 months since everything I'm getting today goes back to 12/8/2019.

Given that time frame, I'm not able to do too much machine learning but I am hoping to work through some heuristics and perhaps build a few NLP algorthms. I would then want to use those in real-time as factors in my Strategies.

I unfortunately do not have access to the IQFeed documentation in your links because I do not have a developer account ($444/yr). So I cannot access their demo code or how I could call from WLP. (There are some other code examples on the web such as,

Any example code by which I could call from WLP would be hugely appreciated!



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Sorry, no example code exists. (It would take sponsorship for the development of the news provider or significant community demand for the feature.) Our provider doesn't implement an interface required for news lookup. Agreed that 6 months doesn't sound too optimistic.

P.S. Your Github link says it's not implemented as of 8 Jun 2020 either.
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Okay thanks Eugene.


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