Close outside Bands system by Eugene

Close outside Bands system

This is a counter-trend system that attempts to fade a strong move, in hope that it reverts back to the mean.

Takes multiple positions.

Long entry

If close crossed below the 20-bar Lower Bollinger Band within 3 previous days (setup), today's open is below the setup bar's close, and 4-bar RSI is less or equal to 40, buy at market next bar.

Short entry

If close crossed above the 20-bar Upper Bollinger Band within 3 previous days (setup), today's open is above the setup bar's close, and 4-bar RSI is equal to or above 60, short at market next bar.


Exit each position after 10 days.

Author: Eugene
Category: Counter-Trend
Creation Date: 2/15/2011
Licence: Freeware
Availability: Globally
Instructions for Script Download
  1. In Wealth-Lab client software, open the Strategy Explorer (Ctrl+O)
  2. Click the "Download..." button
  3. Click "Begin Download"
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