ActiveTrader 2011-08 | Turn-of-month Seasonality system by Eugene

This strategy was featured in the August 2011 issue of Active Trader magazine. 

System Concept:

This strategy is based on the idea by Norman Fosback from the 1970's: the stock market is generally bullish at the beginning and end of each month.

Strategy rules:

Entry rules

  • Enter long on the close of the last trading day of month when the day’s closing price is above the 100-day weighted moving
    average (WMA) of closing prices.

  • When bound by capital limitations, take only signals in the lowest-priced ETFs.

Exit rules:

  • Exit long at market tomorrow after four days in a trade.

Author: Eugene
Category: Seasonal
Creation Date: 7/11/2011
Licence: Freeware
Availability: Globally
Instructions for Script Download
  1. In Wealth-Lab client software, open the Strategy Explorer (Ctrl+O)
  2. Click the "Download..." button
  3. Click "Begin Download"
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