sending additional information via Auto-Email in Strategy Monitor
Author: namuh
Creation Date: 10/10/2012 8:56 AM
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Hello All, I'm trying to find a way to send or log additional information from Strategy Monitor. I can include what I need in the Signal Name so it shows in the Alerts Pane in the SM but since I'm using a 1 minute cycle, the Alert is lost on the next run of the thread. Often I can't check fast enough to get the data. I tried Auto-Email since it mentions the Signal Name, but it turns out that data is not included in the email. The Debug window does not work in Strategy Monitor so I can't log the data there as I do for single stocks and testing, so I'm at a wall.

Any help in saving this data so it doesn't disappear from the Alert Pane every minute would be very much appreciated!

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So the real question is not "how to send something out of the SM", it is "how to keep Alerts for a longer duration than the original time frame the Strategy is being run with", right?

Well, if you're not fast enough for 1 minute data, the signal is already lost. Why not try some other bar scale?
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No actually the real question is how to send data out of SM. I need to review it at the close of the day in addition to using it during trading. Another bar scale would not be acceptable since I trade 1 minute intervals and longer intervals do not work with my algorithm. The timing of people's emotions is not subject to 'any interval' you may choose. They react in a time frame determined by characteristics of human nature and in my trading environment the impulse is lost if even 5 minute intervals are used. I am a pattern trader and I have tested the exact same patterns with 5 minute and longer charts and the degree of match to the pattern is simply not there. Believe me, I wish it were since that would mean that I could spend a lot more time relaxing between trades. still looking for a way to send this data out in real time for use in real time and review later. :)
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I need to review it at the close of the day in addition to using it during trading.

Why not review the same trades in the Strategy window?
QUOTE: still looking for a way to send this data out in real time for use in real time and review later. :)

Hope this helps: AlertByEmail in Community Components
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@Eugene It looks like the AlertByEmail will do fine. I have yet to test it, but the code looks right. Thank you very much for sticking with me as I'm not so much of a programmer as a trader trying to program tools I can't make in any other system. As far as reviewing the data later, the alerts disappear and there are no trades in the SW because I place everything manually through ATP. I know 'something' of Pascal which is why I chose this platform because I haven't the patience to learn the, imo ridiculous languages the other platforms 'make up'. They instantly run out of depth and then it requires 'real skill' to write .dll's etc to make them work and I just can't do that. WLP is real Pascal and I can use my reference books to look up what is not on the surface... and ... it works :) (well most of the time).

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WLP is real Pascal

WLP is not Pascal. It's pure C# since 2008, so your books won't be of any help. Check this FAQ out:

How do I start with C# ?
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Eugene, I certainly don't mean to be a pain, but I have to disagree. The following excerpt from the description page of Wealth-Lab 6 does indeed indicate that C# is now the 'underlying' structure for Wealthscript. BUT the second line shows that one can program in ANY IDE that supports .NET which, of course, includes Pascal. Furthermore, the syntax of Wealthscript as used in the onboard editor in WealthLab itself is certainly Pascal and not C#. I've been using WealthLab since before Fidelity bought it and I am certainly glad that Fidelity has pushed the reformulation of the platform to support many languages, and I suppose I can even accept C#, though I've always felt it was a sham introduced by Gates to lock in .NET. I never really could see why it was necessary to go beyond C and C++ since the best operating system in the world was written in it. In fact, C was created so that Unix 'could' be written.

****** WealthLab Excerpt *********

Advanced Development Tools for Programmers
C# based WealthScript language provides unprecedented trading system development control and power.
Write and compile your Strategy or Extension in any language supported by .NET.

****** End Excerpt ********
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The Strategy Editor can only 'speak' C#. In compiled Strategy libraries though, you're free to use any language supported. 'Pascal for .NET' might be so seldom used that I didn't know it exists.
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After looking at the Strategy Editor again, you are right. Not sure how I was lulled into thinking it was still Pascal, probably because I don't program enough to pay attention. However, Borland Pascal is fully integrated with .NET and is VERY widely used, though I suppose I'll have to dig out my C# reference.... :(
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Well I've now tested the AlertByEmail component and it works perfectly... even better than I had hoped for! Thank you Eugene!

And Thanks again :)

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However, Borland Pascal is fully integrated with .NET and is VERY widely used,

Are you sure? :) I'm definitely not!

Take a look at the language popularity chars:
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Well I guess as an 'ole retired guy, I'm wrong again. In my day Borland Delphi was heavily used in the world, but I see now from visiting their site that Delphi has vanished from the Earth apparently. Too bad, it was a very productive language and IDE, but Life goes on. Eugene, my hat is off to you. You have all the cards and I'm about to venture off into C# land. Hopefully, I'll still remember the basics of Visual Studio.... lol assuming that still exists too!

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Visual Studio 2012 is alive and kicking, and since 2005 available as a free Express version.
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