n. def. (N/A) in double
Author: dansmo
Creation Date: 11/10/2010 9:51 AM
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sometime an indicator value will have n.def. as a value.
Now, I´d like to cycle through the indicator values and repair it, so that n.def. --> 0.

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However, it does not work. I must be doing something wrong here.
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Indicator, or DataSeries, value shouldn't contain "n.def.", "n. def." or other string constants - it's a double. Can you clarify, what is this "n. def./n.def" thing about?
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It is a part of my RMI based on Flexible Renkos:

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This will give this debug print:
item: 0value: 0
item: 1value: 0
item: 2value: 0
item: 3value: 0
item: 4value: 0
item: 5value: 0
item: 6value: 100
item: 7value: 100
item: 8value: n. def.
item: 9value: 0
item: 10value: 0
item: 11value: 0
item: 12value: n. def.
item: 13value: 100
item: 14value: 100
item: 15value: 100
item: 16value: 100
item: 17value: n. def.
item: 18value: n. def.
item: 19value: 100

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This does not help understand what is this "n. def" thing. In German .NET, is this what is commonly known as "N/A"? In this case, you should check for
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Exactly. Now it is working! Thank you Eugene.
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