Yahoo and MSN disappeared
Author: cicerotullius
Creation Date: 5/23/2013 5:56 PM
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I have a rather strange error: Yesterday I was normally using datasets from Yahoo and having configured SP100 and SP500 and so on. Today all Yahoo lists disappeared from the Data Sets list on the left, but even more: I cannot add them any more. When I go to data Manager, there is no item any more for Yahoo finance, but also not for MSN.

I tried to uninstall and reinstall the Extension, but it didnt Change, in Data Set there is no Yahoo to be selected.

pls. help
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The fact that the DataSets are gone is a clue that the provider is not installed, and you verified they're not installed because they don't appear in the Data Mgr. There's no telling how this mess happened, but it sounds to me like this is one problem that uninstalling Wealth-Lab and reinstalling will actually fix the problem.
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Will locally created strategies be uninstalled as well? Do I need to somehow backup them?
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What happens with MSN, seems to be described in this FAQ: Some DataSets are gone. Some previously installed providers can't be found.

Yahoo is a self-contained extension but MSN depends on shared DLLs which, if uninstalled, will result in the provider not showing up on next restart: "HtmlAgilityPack.dll" and "WealthLab.DataProviders.MarketManager.dll". Most likely, you uninstalled some other extension that uses one of these shared DLLs. We made an effort to not let it happen in the latest WLD 6.4.62 but perhaps it didn't work in your case. Try to install the MSN provider, and it will be restored after restart of WLD with its DataSets.

As to Yahoo, it disappeared for a different reason -- the most popular is an abnormal program termination that corrupts one of its configuration files.

Enable hidden file/folder visibility in Control Panel, Folder Options, navigate to this hidden folder and check if YahooClientSettings.xml, YahooClassification.xml and/or SymbolsStartDate.xml files are empty (0 bytes). In this case, delete them and restart WLD.

c:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\YahooStaticProvider\

As an alternative, rename that YahooStaticProvider folder with WLD closed, and restart WLD.
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Hi Eugene,

Thank you very much, Yahoo did work with this instructions, and even all my Symbols lists are back.

MSN did not work, installed, uninstalled etc. no Change.
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Good to hear that. Let's inspect the MSN subfolder:

c:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\MsnStaticProvider\

Are there any zero-byte XML files? With WLD closed, please move all XML files outside, start WLD, and see if it made any difference.
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