Why "Update All Data" updates the data in a DataSet that I don't have?
Author: topbooks
Creation Date: 9/3/2014 8:17 PM
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I have deleted data sources I defined for 10 minutes charts, I have no any data source for 10 min, but when I click update all data button (also schedule automated daily update), it will update 10 minutes data sources (I have no 10min data source).

I did not have this problem before, just start 2 days ago.
What things I should to check out?
Thank you as always!
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The answer, as usual, could be found in the Wealth-Lab User Guide > Data > Data Manager > Update Data. You have activated the option "Also Update Symbols that you accessed, but are not contained in DataSets":

When you delete DataSet from a Wealth-Lab-integrated Provider, only the list of symbols is deleted, but the price data is not. Enabling this option will continue to maintain all symbols' price data when you perform an "Update all" even if the symbols no longer exist in any DataSet.

Switch to "Update only Symbols that are contained in DataSets", optionally check "Delete data for Symbols that are not contained in DataSets" if you no longer need 10 minute data.

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Thank you so much, I will do.
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