Where to find the Market Manager ?
Author: Musashi1970
Creation Date: 6/29/2013 9:33 AM
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I'd like to hide the non-regular market hours for my intraday stock data. Looking around on your site, I found information about the "Market Manager"-extension which seems to be exactly for these purposes. But I was not able to find this extension anywhere. Does it still exist ?
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The Market Manager is not an extension. It's a component of selected data providers that support it. If it applies to your data provider, you'll find everything you need to know to hide pre- and after-market data in this online guide:

Market Manager
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Sorry, I don't understand.
Actually, I was referring to your link,
it says: "... is a new utility found under the Tools menu after installing the addin from the Extensions section"

But I cannot find such an extension.

If, on the other hand, it is meant the installation of the data provider addin, I have installed the iqFeed-addin and everything works but I cannot find the "Market Manager"-entry in the tools menu. And iqFeed is an example in the picture in the wiki regarding Market Manager.

Therefore , I am a bit confused...

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When you update the IQFeed provider to the latest version and restart WL6, the MM will appear under the Tools menu.

As stated the change log, the Market Manager disappears in WL 6.4 if IQFeed provider's installed version is older than (10/23/2012).
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I had the latest version already installed.

Nevertheless, when I reinstalled it (and it said: "you have already the latest version installed. Are you sure..."), the market monitor appeared.

Thank you

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The only explanation I have, considering that IQFeed was working for you as you said, is that the MM DLL somehow wasn't upgraded during 6.5 update. (Should it be missing/uninstalled, you won't have IQFeed at all).
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