Wealth-Lab crashes after adding 16 DataSeries
Author: sourkraut
Creation Date: 9/12/2013 5:17 PM
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Quote from thread about crashing on symbol with a lot of data:
Crashes can happen due to a multitude of reasons,

That's right. WL crashes due to a multitude of reasons. That's the first problem.
How about stabilizing this alpha-version of software, and make it at least a beta version?

For your information:

64-bit WL 6.5, on an 8GB platform with a quad processor, crashes, is unable to handle an additional sixteen DataSeries, in a fairly small, working strategy.

Before the addition of the extra (indicator) DataSeries, the strategy works as expected.
After adding just the declaration of the 16 ds, and compiling, WL crashes.
On restart, the default strategy loads ok. But loading the edited strategy, that crashed the program, WL crashes again. -- At least this crash is half-way understandable.
Note: the strategy is NOT part of the default workspace!
So when I restarted WL this time, I did NOT expect it to crash but it DID!
After laboriously editing the config file to remove traces of the crashing strategy, and deleting the strategy from the disk, WL started again.
The original strategy (before the extra DataSeries) still runs fine!

How about FIXING WL, so it at least doesn;t crash from these multitude of reasons, and recovers gracefully?

Then maybe the new fetatures you keep adding will not be built on quicksand any more.

CC: Fidelity tech support
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Sorry that you're having trouble with the strategy edit, and believe me, I know how frustrating programming can be. If you'd care to share what you're doing in the Strategy, we'd be more than happy to take a look at it. Keep in mind that your Strategy is a program too, and you can "catch" exceptions that may otherwise result in crashes (although it may not be the case or solution here).
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Side note:
Quote from thread about crashing on symbol with a lot of data:

The one that was cured by a clean reinstall and possibly caused by a broken library file.
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