WLD crashes when accessing a symbol with a large history
Author: Musashi1970
Creation Date: 8/21/2013 11:18 AM
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When I try to start a strategy on a certain symbol with a history of about 500,000 bars (intraday-data), WLD crashes. I can access the symbol when I just watch the chart in a chart window. But as soon as I start a strategy on this symbol, it crashes.
Windows mentions clr.dll as error modul name.
Is there a restriction regarding the no. of bars you can use in a strategy ? Or is there another way to correct this problem...

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1. "A strategy" really means "any strategy", or there is some particular strategy failing and others not?
2. How much RAM is installed?
3. Is WLD6 32-bit or 64-bit?

Here is a bullet point list of helpful items to start with:

FAQ: Out of memory problems
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While I'm not the originator of this post, I have similar problems:
WL crashes routinely, when I attempt to PUSH indicators to code, that are the least bit unuaual.

Here is a file of multiple screenshots, with annotations:
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Not being the originator is not a problem. This topic is dedicated to a very specific issue: crash when accessing a symbol with a very large history. You present a pot-pourri of different symptoms (push to code, MSN) not related to each other and most importantly, absolutely not related to this topic and NOT similar to topic starter's problem.

Crashes can happen due to a multitude of reasons, and throwing unrelated ones in this highly focused topic is suboptimal. Therefore I kindly suggest you start a new very own one, or choose two existing threads (one dedicated to MSN provider and another to push-to-code). The choice is up to you.

In short:

1. 6.4 is no longer supported, and this bug was fixed in 6.5.
2. MSN provider is no longer supported (feed stopped returning data in June 2013).
3. Crash can not be reproduced. There's handled exception, though. Workaround: drop SMA on Close, push to code, change Close to Volume.
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1. "A strategy" really means "any strategy", or there is some particular strategy failing and others not?
2. How much RAM is installed?
3. Is WLD6 32-bit or 64-bit?

1. It is enough to open a "new strategy from code" with the selected ticker to force a crash (but I can open a "new chart window" with this ticker)

2. 16 GB

3. WLD6 64b
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Looks like a data provider bug and/or broken data file. What data provider is this? Don't hesitate to provide more details.

A. Making sure the data provider extension is up to date, reload the symbol's data. Did this help?
B. If re-download is impossible (e.g. ASCII), I guess we'll need your zipped data file and DataSet configuration (original XML file preferred) to reproduce.
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Hello Eugene

As I just found out, the problem seems to appear only for intraday symbols, independent of the no. of bars (so no memory issue).

Every intraday data symbol crashes when I select "new strategy from code". My data provider for intraday data is ASCII (imported from other sources) and iqFeed.

Does this change the case or should I still attach a sample file ?
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Being able to open stock charts normally excludes a Market Manager issue or a faulty chart drawing object. So we seemingly have a Strategy-related something here.

1. Can you open built-in and/or downloaded Strategies normally, like "Moving Average Crossover"? At the same time, can you run a Combination, Rule-based, or compiled strategy w/o crashing WL? In other words, try to determine if WL crashes on new Strategy template and/or your own works.
2. If it's limited to your own strategies and new code window, did you modify the new Strategy template in any way i.e. altered the code and/or added a Reference to a DLL, and overwritten it by clicking Edit > Set as Default Template Code?
3. If you close WL, rename the user Data folder to e.g. DataBackup and start WL again, does it make the crashes disappear?

"c:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\.."

In this case, you can start moving subfolders from backup one by one.

4. If #3 didn't help, open the main folder under Program Files and take a careful look at your custom built DLLs. There can be a broken, incompatible DLL. Or a missing DLL that is part of a more complex solution that crashes when activated by opening a strategy. If you were not developing custom extensions, try to remember if you uninstalled some downloaded extensions recently, or something like that.

If you're a programmer, the best option is to attach to process when WL is running and make it crash to see what debugger is telling you. Alternatively, simply choose Debug after crash to get extended information from debugger (unfortunately, just knowing that clr.dll is the faulty module is an absolutely useless fact).
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Hello Eugene

1. Moving Avergae Crossover crashes also
2. Not limited to own strategies
4. There are no custom built DLLs. I am also not aware of uninstalling anything

Alternatively, simply choose Debug after crash to get extended information from debugger


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Hi Patrick,

Make sure that the ASCII/IQFeed providers' versions are latest (no update found in the Extension Manager).

Still, try to disable the Market Manager for both ASCII and IQFeed providers as instructed.


What is the failing module (I mean Wealth-Lab DLLs, not clr.dll)? Can you show the stack trace?

Based on this information, I'll try to come up with appropriate suggestion: reinstall WLD6 (uninstall WLD6, remove the main folder completely, clean install), or reinstall .NET 4/4.5 framework.
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Reinstalling did the trick.

Many thx

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