WL 6.4 crash on Email Alerts (solved)
Author: BTGPactualColombia
Creation Date: 1/20/2015 7:01 PM
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Hello, i have had problems trying to send emails with WLB. First i filled all the fields that are required in the email settings such as SMTP Host, SMTP Port, Email Addresses and authentication details as was mentioned in the forums and as it requires implicity.
When i tried to send the test email i got an error and instantly WLB stops working and also was closed, showing a window that says "WLB has detected a problem and it has to close it". As i couldn´t configure the email setting by this form i tried through the codes that you share but the error happened again and also wealth lab was closed.

Any suggestions?

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This is a known problem:

Open Issues > Email Unhandled Exceptions Crash WL 6.4+

1. It's fixed in upcoming Developer version 6.8 but while waiting for it, double (and triple) check that your settings are correct.
2. Also see the remark regarding Gmail, if applicable.
3. As a workaround, try a different email account.
4. Make sure that your firewall/proxy or antivirus software is set up to allow Wealth-Lab to access SMTP/IMAP ports. Otherwise this also counts as error, hence the crash. The restrictive policies in corporate environments make it possible for email created by recognized software (e.g. Outlook) to go uninterrupted while "atypical" software may be blocked from accessing email ports.

If nothing helps, please share your settings here.
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As promised, this issue is fixed in latest version 6.8 (released today). Please download it and update. Note that it requires Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or later (or Server 2008 R2 and later) and doesn't work on Windows XP or Vista as the program now requires .NET 4.5 Framework.
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Hello Eugene, I installed and downloaded the new version. The problem of disconecction when i was sending the trial message is solved, but later a failure message box is shown. I will check the SMTP/IMAP ports again and i will let you know...

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