Update of Yahoo data only supplies last few weeks
Author: josvanboxtel
Creation Date: 11/21/2012 5:38 AM
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Since a couple of weeks my Yahoo update only supplies data
from the 26th of October till now. MSN update supplies the correct
specified range of data. I think this problem occurs since I
switched on "Schedule an automated daily update". I never used that
before and had no problems. I switched the option off again but still,
can't get the older Yahoo data.

Anyone seen this problem?
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I think this problem occurs since I switched on "Schedule an automated daily update".

Depending on where our troubleshooting will end, this may be just a coincidence or ultimately may be a hint.

You must have specified Oct 26th when creating a DataSet, updated it, and then forgot about it. Since the data for the symbols have been downloaded, the starting date is not to be overwritten even by updating a DataSet where the same symbol has a more distant starting date. This is how the Y! provider works. (This starting date behavior was a suboptimal design decision, and I always said it must be removed.)

Try the following. Create a DataSet for the symbol(s) with a date in the distant past, open a chart, right-click and choose "Reload chart history". Will it work?
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Thanks Eugene. Reload works to restore the entire chart. Any chance I can somehow reload all symbols in a dataset?
Of course I can delete all datasets that contain the incomplete charts and recreate them but I hope for a simpler

Also I want to buy a second license. Can you tell me you to do that?

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Of course I can delete all datasets that contain the incomplete charts and recreate them but I hope for a simpler

Is there an apparent reason to keep these crippled DataSets? Shouldn't they be deleted at any rate to avoid further confusion?

There are 4-5 ways of reloading data files: How to delete (e.g. broken) data files?

I think that you could "Remove all data" for all affected DataSets using the Data Tool, re-create the Y! DataSets using a correct starting date this time, and then update the new DataSets.

Also I want to buy a second license. Can you tell me you to do that?

Please create a support ticket for instructions on obtaining an extra license.
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I have removed the affected dataset, in fact I removed all Yahoo datasets. Then exit WL, restarted the computer, restarted WL,
recreated the dataset and updated the data. The affected symbols still only showed me the data from the last weeks.

I now think the problem began with running a strategy on a certain data range. I ran a strategy on data from 26-10-2010 to 26-10-2012. After that
problem with the incomplete charts began; the charts only showed me data after 26-10-2012. Maybe just a coincidence, I don't know.

I could restore the data symbol by symbol, by clicking Reload Chart History, but the dataset contains about a 1000 symbols.
I haven't been able to restore the entire dataset.
Any advice?
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It's nice that you're experimenting, but should you follow the procedure from my penultimate reply, it would save you time.

You don't need to exit WL, let alone restart your PC. Deleting affected DataSets is also useless when you don't remove the data files. Since the files still exist, new data will just be appended to their end.

The key step in my messages that you overlooked is now highlighted:

"I think that you could "Remove all data" for all affected DataSets using the Data Tool, re-create the Y! DataSets using a correct starting date this time, and then update the new DataSets."

To sum things up: to reload a symbol from scratch you should delete its data file. The shortcut to do it is by using the Data Tool.
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Thanks Eugene. I'll definitely read your replies more carefully and save myself (and you) a lot of trouble.
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