The window for recently viewed strategies is not re-sizable to accommodate long file names
Author: haytac
Creation Date: 11/13/2013 11:24 PM
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The window for recently viewed strategies is not re-sizable to accommodate long file names.

The What's New window resizes by resizing the Home window but not the Recently Viewed Strategies window. It would be nice if in a next revision one could enlarge this window sideways to see the full file name.

I am now creating longer filenames where the beginning part of the name is the same but the end is different. My file names are up to 34 characters now.

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There's no need to resize the window. Just use the standard controls built in Windows since I don't know when:

A double click on it will auto-adjust the column's width, or you could manually drag it as desired. As can be seen, file names twice these 34 characters can be easily displayed without scrolling to the right.

Exception: using a non-standard DPI (e.g. 120). In this case, it's better reverting to the standard resolution anyway due to bug #146.
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Thanks! That window works fine (File/OpenStrategy).
The one I meant is on the main window of WLPro and its title is "Home".
It has multiple sub windows one of which is titled "Recently Viewed Strategies". This window does not resize.
It is a minor issue and just an input to consider for another rev.
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I didn't understand you because the very first thing I do after reinstalling Wealth-Lab is disable on demand updates and hide the Home Page tool. :)

As lobbying changes takes long time and great effort and sometimes doesn't work out at all, please consider calling your Fidelity rep and asking for this minor tweak. The effort is minimal, and since Fidelity listens to its customers there's a chance it might get added to long-term queue.
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