Text on upper left hand side of PricePane
Author: haytac
Creation Date: 9/20/2013 7:24 PM
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I have titles for drawings on the upper left hand side of each pane.
These provide color code information to name of the trend lines.
I think they get inserted automatically.
Is there a way to move them to say, the lower left hand side?

Thanks and Regards,
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it is the positioning of the description member of the data series object on the pane
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Is there a way to move them to say, the lower left hand side?

You can not change the position of DataSeries description labels.
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You can hide/show the labels using the first "Show" button in the Chart Toolbar. And don't forget, if you hold the Alt key when you click one of the first 3 Show buttons (or Stream button), it does the operation for all Strategy Windows.
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thanks! it worked.
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