Test intraday off of daily signals?
Author: Marius
Creation Date: 2/1/2011 2:30 PM
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Hi All,

First time poster. Can I use wealthlab to test intraday off of daily signals??

Thank you,

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If you're asking if you can create daily indicators/series to use in trading signals in an intraday chart, then sure, no problem.
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Hi Cone,

Thank you for the reply. I have a system that gets in off of daily signals but will exit during the day if a certain % gain or loss is hit so I need to be able to look inside the daily bars. I have TS which can look intraday but it only can do one stock at a time.

Do you use a data provider for real time data if so who do you use? I guess I am confused about how the data works on Wealth Lab. There is no phone number to call and ask simple questions.

Thank you,

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Do you use a data provider for real time data if so who do you use?

For Wealth-Lab Pro, the version for U.S. residents, the choice is predetermined to Fidelity's real time data.
I have TS which can look intraday but it only can do one stock at a time.

Peeking at intraday data is possible in Wealth-Lab 6 but you do it manually. Here are the two most used scenarios:

Setting Priority for AtStop/AtLimit Orders - let WL decide which position to take
Accessing Intraday data from Daily - might be helpful for exiting during the day like you describe
will exit during the day if a certain % gain or loss is hit

Or you may just program the strategy in a pessimistic way so that in backtesting, the stop loss will always trigger before the profit target on the same daily bar.
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