Switch between different data directories
Author: TraderMik
Creation Date: 3/13/2013 10:28 AM
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I want to use 2 different Settings-Environments in Wealth-Lab (ex. 1 for Stocks testing and another for Forex) So I can use different Money-Management, Commissions, digits, ....

Is it allowed to use 2 different data directories (C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments)? I use symbolic links to switch between the 2 different directories. The only problem I see, is the Authenticate process. It comes twice, one for each directory. Is that a problem?

Is that a working way? Or is there a better solution to switch between multi Test-Environments.
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Symlinks should work but a more direct solution might be to simply use two different Windows user names. Two physical directories, no conflicts, no confused Authentication. And striking Win-L lets you switch between active sessions instantly (if enabled).
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Maybe it is an idea for improvement to create an option or set a parameter for the WealthLabDev.exe for switching/define the data directory. If I have 5 or 6 scenarios I don’t want to crease 5 Users.
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