Strategy parameters multi-selection request
Author: gpetrie
Creation Date: 1/6/2013 1:19 PM
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I have a system with a lot of Strategy Parameters. When I run an optimization I only use a small number of them. Could you enable the windows multiple selection and delete key functions on the list of strategy parameters in the Optimization Control tab? Currently the only way to delete several lines is to select each one and click the remove button.

Thanks for all you guys' hard work!
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Save a special copy of the system containing just the optimizable parameters and nothing else. You could even save it (or them) into a workspace for faster access. Voila! Programmer's time is freed up.

P.S. There has been a better idea: introduce checkboxes for Optimizer parameters. Meaning that one could enable/disable them on-the-fly. In Version 4, it was a baseline feature. Unfortunately, Fidelity is not willing to make this very simple change.
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