Stategy Parameter Greyed out
Author: ashridharani
Creation Date: 3/11/2013 6:51 PM
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I recently installed current version of Wealth Lab Pro ( on my new Windows 8 computer. I copied and transferred all my current WL Datasets and Strategies from my Windows 7 PC (running the same WL versions) to the new computer.

The problem I have is all of my code based strategies on the new Windows 8 PC show a blank spot with greyed out words "save Parameters" and "Reset" under Strategy Parameter on the left hand side under Data sets, i.e. no sliders for changing values. The same strategies on my old Windows 7 PC show me the Parameter sliders used to change the value.

Is there a button or some feature that I need to turn on in WL on the Windows 8 PC or something that I overlooked during installation? I read the FAQ and some of the older post with Strategy Parameter in the title, but did not see anything that addresses my issue. I would appreciate your help.

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Here's the FAQ you're referring to, and it covers most cases of this issue:

FAQ | Strategies and WealthScript > Why am I unable to "Reset" and "Save parameters"

The problem I have is all of my code based strategies on the new Windows 8 PC show a blank spot with greyed out words "save Parameters" and "Reset" under Strategy Parameter on the left hand side under Data sets, i.e. no sliders for changing values.

Do Strategies run normally i.e. produce chart output and trades? If you forgot to reinstall an extension like Community Indicators on which your Strategy's code relies, it won't run and that would explain the greyed out labels.

If still no go, don't hesitate to attach a screenshot and describe the problem in greater detail.
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Hi Eugene,

Thanks for the reply. I had read the FAQ before, but I cannot see any sliders to move around to change anything. I've attached a .png file/photo. In this picture, WL Screen shot 1, I just opened your canned Fidelity Sector Rotation Strategy. As you can see on the left hand side, there are no sliders. The words "Save" and "Reset" are greyed out in the sense, I can click on them but they do not do anything. Now I can take this strategy and optimize and click on different results and it will show me the performance tab, equity curves, trades, etc for each of the "results". The only thing is, it still will not show me the sliders on the left hand side to change them. Please see attached screen shot 2.

The attached Screen shot 3 shows similar issue with a rule based strategy. When I clicked on one of the indicator (shown red), it does not show me the slider for that indicator on the left hand side. This is true for all of my rules based or code based strategy. Please let me know if you need additional information.

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Thanks for the screenshots Anish. This is a different but known problem:

Open Issues > (146) Aplication needs to support 120 DPI throughout

You'll find a workaround there, still I'd like to suggest you to call Fidelity support and tell them this bug really needs to be fixed.
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Hi Eugene,

Thanks, that did it. I also called into Fidelity per your suggestion.

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