Set margin in Donor strategy
Author: sburgener
Creation Date: 11/2/2012 1:51 PM
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Hi guys,

I want to display my equity curve in the chart window, and am proceding as explained in
However, it seems like some trades in my Donor strategy are not executed, because of a lack of available capital. As I am always reinvesting total current available equity, setting the margin factor to a high number should solve the issue. However, it seems like the margin factor only applies to my main strategy but not to the Donor strategy.

My questions thus are:
1) Am I correct on the above regarding the margin factor not being picked up in the Donor strategy?
2) Is there a way to set the margin factor in the C# code?

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Hi Seb,

The margin factor is picked up by the "runDonorNew" routine and honored, if you meant this. You can prove it by peeking in the open source code:
Please log in to see this code.

You're welcome to modify and experiment with it.
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Thanks for the above Eugene!
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