Remotely access position in real time in Paper account in Strategy Monitor
Author: tomphm
Creation Date: 10/11/2014 1:38 PM
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Would it be possible to get access to trade positions as it is being generated (in real time) from the strategy monitor without referencing or using alerts? For example during trading sessions, in the strategy monitor, as positions are being generated and populated in a paper account, would it is be possible to get to these positions via some form of coding (without using alerts)? Thanks.
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What would be the purpose? What are you trying to accomplish?
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I would like to be able to access the positions as it is being triggered in real time and remotely. Thanks.
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This is not supported i.e. there's no API or other documented way of attaching to the SM from 3rd party apps.

As to remote monitoring, you could use either built-in RDP facility or external VNC software to remotely access the machine with WLP running the SM.
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Eugene, thanks for your suggestions. Hopefully there is an API or SM capability to dump its generated positions to an external source/location in the near future.
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So that you don't get your hopes up, there's really no chance of adding a feature to Wealth-Lab that only 1 person wants; especially when you don't even provide the motivation for requesting it.

So I'll ask as Eugene did, what's the purpose of remotely accessing information about hypothetical positions (not alerts) created in a running strategy?
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