Plotting daily lines on intraday chart
Author: Tobey
Creation Date: 3/1/2011 8:13 PM
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Hi Eugene,

You gave me some great code that allowed me to switch from daily data to inter-day data and keep the indicators in their daily scale.

Now I'm trying to graph the limit price from the Daily strategy on a 15 minute chart. And again I don't have it just right. Probably another idiot error!

The code runs without the /* */ section. It compiles with the code active but gives op_Division(DataSeries ds1, double value) when I run it

Here's the code up to the error point. Go a head. Make me an idiot again


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This innocuous line should work but is producing the error message.

I think it's a returning bug; once we had something like that in the 5.3/4 times in this context.
op_Division(DataSeries ds1, double value)
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Hi Eugene,

Thanks! For stopping me from hitting my head against wall!

Here is a work around. That calculation can be done in the daily scale and then used in the 15 minute scale.

Here's the code that worked


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Yes, that's actually how should it be done -- performing all calculations on the compressed scale, reverting to 15-minute, synchronizing, plotting etc.

However, I don't see why should WL stop you from performing simple math operations on already synchronized DataSeries.
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