Plotted series name always precedes other output like DrawText
Author: Sammy_G
Creation Date: 11/1/2010 11:00 AM
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You will notice that DrawLabel writes its text below the plotted series name, even though in hierarchy its located above PlotSeries. There can be any number of reasons for writing some text above a series name. I think its a bug and should be fixed; hard to think of it as a "feature".
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I slightly changed the topic name, because it's not necessarily a bug - descriptions of series plotted plotted in the same pane always precede anything else e.g. DrawText.
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I don't see any logic to that "order". If someone wants to plot a series name first, they can just place the PlotSeries argument ahead of the DrawLabel/DrawText argument. In other words, the order in which these arguments are placed should take precedence over some hidden rules. Like it was in WL4.
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Looks like it was designed so for the purposes of simplification, and I find no serious reason for bringing anything on top of plotted series labels. It just creates clarity, and the less options/switches/complications there are the better, isn't it.
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C'mon, Eugene. To have a "forced ordering" when such can be created by any user with childish ease by merely stacking the arguments in a particular order just doesn't make any sense. Even worse, it takes away the liberty to create your own order should a situation arise when you need to. And that's a perfect example of an unintended consequence.
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I'll speak frankly. The reality of the matter is that there are so many other issues, bugs, and enhancements that are so much more important to be working on right now that insignficant (imho) customizations like this just take the team's eye off the ball. Minor changes take many more resources than you can possible imagine.

But just for the sake of the argument, how can this be so important to you when nobody else has even mentioned it once?
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Cone, you are mistaken in assuming that just b/c I mentioned it this point is of hyper-importance to me. Its a moderate annoyance, really. The point I was really trying to get across was that by introducing this arbitrary, hidden rule a potentially useful feature was inadvertently taken away. I maintain that this rule should never have been implemented.

I agree there are more important issues with the program. Matter of fact, I will probably be writing about some of them in the coming days/weeks, even though it will make me even more unpopular with you and Eugene. And just b/c nobody mentioned them before wouldn't mean they are meaningless.

The fact that other users haven't mentioned it before doesn't mean anything. Most people only immediately notice glaring abnormalities, not subtle ones like this one. I have only been using WL.NET for few months and I didn't notice it right away either. Its just that while translating a WL4 script a couple days ago where I *really* needed to order text in a particular way in some panes that this limitation came to light. And I penned a post on the spot as a heads-up.

I wish the community was more active and there were more discussions, intellectual fights, and so on as it was in WL4 forums. But it seems the current bunch are just happy accepting whatever they are handed; they don't complain or discuss much of anything. I have tried to involve them but they don't seem too interested in participating.

Now if you will excuse me, I have got to go and vote (its midterm elections today here in the US of A). No matter which bunch of goons I vote for, they all have one thing in common - they are taking this great country down the tubes, and fast. :(

[Curious to know: As an expat American, do you have to go the US embassy to vote, or do you have to mail in your ballot?]
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Most people only immediately notice glaring abnormalities, not subtle ones like this one.

It's not an anomaly. And I like this behavior because it makes the output organized: on top of a ChartPane you always expect to have DataSeries descriptions plotted and then comes user input.
But it seems the current bunch are just happy accepting whatever they are handed; they don't complain or discuss much of anything.

The community has become less active compared to the WL4 years in terms of peer-to-peer discusion, but this didn't mean the reduction of customer support activity. Just take a look at the Extensions section - thanks to the Wealth-Lab.NET architecture, MS123 has coded a lot of addins many of which were requested or dreamed by our current community, contributing to the progress of the software.
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