Parameterize "External symbol above/below value" rules?
Author: jburford
Creation Date: 8/8/2015 7:18 PM
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I've noticed some indicators have parameters to use in conjunction an optimization, but most don't. How can I change or update these indicators to included parametrization?

The two I'm interested in right now are "external symbol above value" and "external symbol below value".

Thank you.
John Burford
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Welcome to the forums John.

These are not indicators but conditions of a Rule-based strategy. Indicators are to be found under the "Indicators" list (strike Ctrl-F11). I renamed the confusing topic title "Parameterize indicators" accordingly.

Simple answer: you can't. Adding a parameter to a Rule requires modification of its XML code, be it manual or tool-based. Question is, what exact modification of these Rules do you think is required? Maybe we can achieve it by releasing a new rule if the parameterization is worth it. But before answering please review the list of rules in an additional library called Community.Rules - chances are that something of that might have already been implemented.
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