New Rule Wizard request for external symbol condition
Author: wmrgrove
Creation Date: 10/10/2012 9:53 PM
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Would it be possible to add the following to the External Symbol Conditions in the Rule Library?

Price >= Highest price in lookback period

Price <= Lowest price in lookback period

Thanks, Bill
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Already exists:

* External Symbol makes a new high within period
* External Symbol makes a new low within period
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Thanks Eugene!

I did not see that the definition "This rule is true when the specified DataSeries of an External Symbol makes a new high within the specified period" was the same thing, but it is clear now!

Is this rule >= to prior high or > than?
A very minor point, but using the existing Price / Volume definition's might be clearer, adding External Price name?

External Price >= Highest price in look back period
External Price <= Lowest price in look back period

Also a clarification please;

If we want to create an external symbol rule using an indicator condition that does not exists in the rule library, a work-around would be to create a "Custom Index" of the indicator/symbol and then use that "Custom Index" as the external symbol with existing rules in the rule libray? It would be nice to add this somewhere in future documentation?

Thanks again! Bill

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Hi Bill,
Also a clarification please;

But custom indices modify the OHLC so it's not the same; would you please expand? (At any rate, it may probably be easier to add a rule, if required and makes sense).
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Eugene, I did not know about; "custom indices modify the OHLC so it's not the same"

I have several Strategies that do "Timing" on the SPX and use the Indicators EMPLUS / EMMINUS, TrendStrengthD, MACDex and several Custom Indexs like sp500 pct > 200sma.

I was satisfided with the Strategies but did not want to request external rules for every indicator I want to use. So I made a Custom Index of EMPLUS, as an example, on a dataset the only includes SPX. Then use existing rules like "External Price is less than value" and the results are the same for all the Strategies!

I want all the rules in the Strategy to reference the Externaal Symbol so I can run it on other lists to see the results and also the correlation to Spx. Results are very interesting.

Anyway, I am only using the "level" of these custom indexs, but am I missing something relative to your comment?

"custom indices modify the OHLC so it's not the same"

Thanks again for the great support! Bill
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Bill, I thought you were using a custom index instead of an external symbol's Bars object for some purpose that I couldn't imagine. I was puzzled, hence the question.
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