Microsoft.Office.Core.iRibbonExtensibility: Assemblies to Reference
Author: aykuts
Creation Date: 2/12/2015 2:21 AM
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1- I am trying to use the libraries of a third-party data vendor - that helps me feed fundamental data into my strategy.

2- Following is the core of code and shows the way I am referencing to their libraries:

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3- It did not compile sucessfully , and the error message was simply:
" cannot find the interop type that matches the embedded interop type 'Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonExtensibility' Are you missing an assemby reference?"

4- So I googled a little bit and most of the forums suggested to give reference to 'Microsoft Office 12.0 Type Library'.

5- And, I tried to give reference to this assembly by references...> other assemblies to Reference > Add references , and gave an attempt to add the following dll:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12\MSO.DLL"

6- And, surprisingly, I got an error message that I have seen for the first time in Wealthlab, as follows:
"Could not add this Reference: The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131018)


7- I did not stop, and I quickly coded a console Application on Visual Studio, and tried to replicate the same error on a typical visual studio solution. And, interestingly, I was able to give reference to whatever I needed (including the one I mentioned above), and the code worked smoothly, and returned me the correct values that I expected. (I can provide you the full list of assemblies and dlls I gave reference to in order to make this code work if you feed the need)


So, what might be the issue here? How can I overcome this referencing thing? I am hoping that this issue is among one that a bearly sofisticated guy like me cannot handle yet the real experts can spot and solve quickly.

Thanks in advance for the time,

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