Memory consumption issue
Author: Musashi1970
Creation Date: 2/24/2011 5:02 AM
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I execute a calculation-intensive strategy to a large data set (~ 1000 symbols). The analysis results will be written in a csv-file. Also it takes a while, it works perfectly alright, but after the strategy has been executed and the file has been written, my PC is working turtle-slowly. A look into the task manager shows that WealthLab still uses about 5 GB of RAM, although it does nothing really. So far, the only way to get my PC back to working normal is to force a shut down of WLD.

Do you have an idea how I can let WLD free up the memory again after finishing the strategy ?

Many Thanks

Kind Regards
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This was pointed out many times: Garbage Collector in .NET 2.0 is slow at releasing memory. It has been improved in .NET 4.0 but it might take a lot of time when WL6 is ported to .NET 4.0.

1. If you're sure that the code is written in a proper manner, then:
a. Close your Strategy and other WL tools,
b. Try repeatedly executing a simple strategy like "Moving Average Crossover" (that ships with WL6) on a small DataSet (using Daily data e.g. "Dow 30", 500 bars loaded) - a few times. If that doesn't help kickstart the GC, then proceed to step 2.

2. Review your Strategy. The code could be designed in a manner preventing from releasing the resources properly after using a StreamWriter (or something else) but without looking at the actual code it's just guesswork.

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i.e., You should always make sure to call the StreamWriter Close() method after finishing writing to a file stream.
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Thanks for the quick reply

without looking at the actual code it's just guesswork.

You should always make sure to call the StreamWriter Close() method after finishing writing to a file stream

That is part of the relevant code:

Please log in to see this code.

Therefore, I think the streamwriter is handled correctly.

If that doesn't help kickstart the GC,

Do you mean the Dispose-Method ? (Would the call then be (name of the strategy-class).Dispose() ?

Thanks again
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foreach(string symbol in DataSetSymbols)

You don't run this code as a Multi-Symbol Backtest, don't you?
Do you mean the Dispose-Method ? (Would the call then be (name of the strategy-class).Dispose() ?

I think that Wealth-Lab is designed to call .Dispose after closing a Strategy window. What I've suggested above is slightly different.
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You don't run this code as a Multi-Symbol Backtest, don't you?

No, I just run the strategy on a single symbol (similiar to a rotation strategy)

What do you mean by "kickstart the GC" ?
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It's slowpoke so why not try help it start working by imitating some continuous activity?
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