Limit number of open positions to 1 per day
Author: sarokhatch
Creation Date: 7/6/2013 7:41 PM
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Is there any way to limit number of open positions to 1 per day yet have up to multiple positions open?
I have been doing the following:
Buy at market
Number of open positions is less than a value = 5
Intraday rule: One entry per day
-- whole bunch of other indicators.

What I am trying to avoid is purchasing more than one position daily. The above setting doesn't work as expected (Or at least not the way I have it planned)

Any help would be appreciated.
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The "Intraday Rule", as you can find in its description, should be used as the first condition in a set of entry rules. In my quick test, it did correctly limit trading to only one entry per day in a multi-position rule system. If your experience is different, you should illustrate your point i.e. what exactly do you think doesn't work as expected and how do we reproduce it. Again, in my test it worked exactly as designed.

Note: if you're looking to cap maximum entries per day to 1 in the whole portfolio, such option exists in the Position Options PosSizer from MS123 PosSizers extension. Setting "Max pos. per day" = 1 will limit the number of entries to 1 in multi-symbol portfolio.
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You are correct. I am looking to cap maximum trades per day to only one. As an example if I buy today once I should not buy it again.

I downloaded the file and installed it. Where do I see position options? This is exactly what I was looking for. I looked under conditions and "Entries and exits".
Thanks again
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It's a PosSizer - not a rule or condition. Like with any PosSizer, you choose it from the "Position Sizing" dropdown of the Strategy window. And like with any other extension, it appears there after restarting WLP.
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I don't see any position sizing dropdown in the strategy window. please keep in mind I am new with this product and just finding my way around it.
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Sorry, I should have said "on the left, on top of the DataSets tree". You will find illustrated answers to basic (but not only basic) questions in the User Guide.

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Thank you. I found it. I have a question:
Scale = 1 minute
date range 10/26/2012 and 10/29/2012
max entries per day = 1
ticker = AAPL

Now set the rules to buy at market and set "number of positions are less than a value" and set that to 3.

Here is my question. I would expect only one purchase per day. but I see 3.

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If "Max entries per day" is the built-in PosSizer you're talking about, then it works by design. As you can read in the PosSizer Settings dialog, it says about the "max number of entries per day (bar)". It does not treat intraday bars differently from daily. I knew that, and that's exactly why I suggested that you use the "Position Options". Because as mentioned in its online guide (see link above), For intraday trades, it sums up positions taken during the day. Hope that helps.
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OK. I set Position Size/Positions open/Max pos. per day to 1. See image below (openpositions)

I still don't understand why I have 2 open positions of apple at the same day. see image below.

I think I am following your steps. I must be missing something here.
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You did not activate "Max pos. Per Day". This is not a label. This is a button. Depressed it's inactive, and vice versa. The text field just stores the number for convenience, but you must activate the option.
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Wow. I had no idea you had to push those buttons? I been programming for many years and configuration files are purely based on text or checkbox to activate or disable it. Thanks for your help. It now worked.
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When you have so many options to fit one small screen (and not to lose focus switching tabs), and when you don't want the user to lose his settings (by typing in zero values to deactivate an option and then having to remember the proper value), and save some screen real estate by merging labels and buttons into one entity, I'm sure you see why did I pick this solution.
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Thanks Eugene.
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