LastPosition documentation
Author: Flaviog2005
Creation Date: 10/13/2011 10:05 AM
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I am a beginner and I am studying the documentation. I read part of "WealthScriptGuide.chm" and "WLNetUserGuide.chm"
I learn there are many methods for classes such as

Where can I find an explanation about the various methods? of course by tooltip I can learn if methods are "public bool" "public double" by the way is not always clear how to behave or what the method returns.
I try to hit F1 key and "WelathLabScriptQuickref help guide" appear with this

Property LastPosition
position LastPosition

Returns the Position Most Recently created object. If There Were No Positions created yet, the property returns null.

See the documentation for information about the Position object properties and methods ITS.

can you help me ?
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LastPosition returns a Position object. So, in the QuickRef (F11), find "Position Object" for all its the Properties and methods.
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