Indicator always comes up in new Strategy chart
Author: genelong
Creation Date: 4/6/2013 8:21 AM
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If I am in the wrong forum, please let me know where to post this.

I am using Wealth Lab Pro under Windows, and am a beginner. On the Strategy Chart tab, how does one delete indicators? It always comes up with SMA(20,60), and I can't replace it or delete it. I found where I can add an indicator, but not change or delete an indicator.
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You pushed the code of 20- and 60- SMAs into Strategy Editor (Wealth-Lab User Guide: Charting > Plotting Indicators > Pushing Dropped Indicators) and then saved it with Edit > "Set as Default Template Code".

Paste the default template in a Strategy window and set it as default:

Please log in to see this code.
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Thanks. I don't recall ever setting the default, but your solution worked.
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