Incorrect Position Size?
Author: Lieuallen
Creation Date: 11/25/2012 6:47 AM
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This seems quite simple, but I can't get Wealth-Lab to select correct position sizes.

I am running in Portfolio Simulation Mode. I have $100,000 Starting Capital, and since I'm selecting 5 positions, I have the Percent of Equity set at 20%. I have a Margin Factor of 1:1. So, shouldn't it select 5 trades of as close to $20,000 each as it can? But, instead, it selects 4 trades of a bit over $20,000 each, and then of course doesn't have enough cash for the 5th trade. Why is Wealth-Lab creating positions of over my selected 20% position size?

The four trades it executed are:
564*35.95 = 20275.8
1123*18.72 = 21022.56
484*41.90 = 20279.6
509*39.96 = 20339.64

So, in the first case, why did it decide to buy 564 shares? Shouldn't it have selected 556 shares (for a total of $19,988.20)? When I model this in Excel, I use INT(cash/price), and get the correct 556 shares.

What's up with that?!
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I knew exactly what I'll be answering even before opening your post. ;)

See Wealth-Lab User Guide > Strategy Window > Backtesting Strategies > 100% of Equity Sizing. What happens and what to do is described there.
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I am having same problem and i tried the provide solution but did not help. Anyone knows how to correct it?

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Thanks a lot!! You rocks!!
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